Thursday, May 31, 2007

Physical Check-up

I accompanied Rey to see a doctor today for his physical examination in readiness for his BJU studies. The wait was longer than the actual examination. He had some bloodwork done and he was given Hepatitis B vaccine. Rey went to work at Macy's in the evening.

After Rey, appointment, I personally hand in my letter of resignation but my Nurse manager, Debbie, was on vacation. So I just left it in her mailbox. So, that's it. Then, I go to work tomorrow. My last day at work will be June 29.

We need to pack some more of our stuff. I have packed some of our winter clothes already and put files on boxes. Next week, we will reserve the truck that we will rent. Then, reserve also for the apartment at Ashworth at Pelham. I hope there's a unit available for us.

Till next blog....

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